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By Johnny Graaff on August 20, 2022

Supporting My Loved One

One of the significant challenges my own family faced in talking to me and being there during my mental health issues was that somehow this was all their fault. It is crucial to understand that although there might be precipitating events, there is no singular cause for the development of these disorders. Teens are at high risk of developing mental health issues due to societal and peer pressure. Adolescence is when young people are struggling to fit in socially and emotionally. They are especially vulnerable to bullying, social ostracization, family dysfunction, problems in school, and trauma, any of which may trigger a mental health issue.

Being a family member of someone in crisis can have its challenges; however, It's important to know that you are not alone and that even the best and most supportive parents, spouses, siblings, and friends are not expected to know what to do every situation. The first step to helping a loved one who you believe is suffering from a mental health disorder is to inform yourself a bit more about the disorder. Mental health issues such as self-harm, eating disorders and substance misuse are severe and potentially devastating illnesses that negatively impact health and emotions and result in the inability to function in daily life.

Once you have determined that there is an issue, helping your family member identify, speak out about, and seek treatment involves patience, education, and, more often than not, the support of a team of professionals qualified to treat mental health disorders.

At The Lions Campus, we don't believe in quick fixes. We provide the space for our young residents to practise strategies learned during primary treatment. They use these tools to build healthy new routines and effective coping strategies and reduce their risk of relapse.

Published by Johnny Graaff August 20, 2022